그 인터뷰 중에서도 주요 대목이라고 할만한

Originally Posted by 이태식 주미대사 vs 손석희

손 석희: 아마도 이태식 대사께서 오늘 인터뷰에 응하시면서 조금 민감하게 받아들이는, 그리고 민감하게 인터뷰를 시작하신 이유는 지난번에 말씀하신 내용, 즉 한국과 한국인을 대신해서 유감과 사죄를 표한다, 라는 것에 대해서 논란이 있다는 사실을 알고 계셔서 그런 것 같은데요. 그렇다면 이 발언은 공식적 발언이셨습니까, 아니면 개인적 발언이셨습니까?

이태식: 그것은요. 지금 말씀하신 사항을 다시 한번 해주시죠. 제가 발언한 내용을 다시 한번 읽어봐 주십시오.

손석희: '대사로서 슬픔에 동참하며 한국과 한국인을 대신해서 유감과 사죄를 표한다'

이태식: 그 '사죄'라는 표현을 제가 쓰지 않았습니다. '사죄'라고 하는 표현은 잘못된 거구요.

손석희: 그럼 정확하게 어떻게 말씀하신 건지요?

이태식: 제가 영어로 표현했는데 그것을 우리말로 아마 쓰다 보니까 그렇게 된 모양인데 사죄라고 하는 영어단어가 어떤 단어인지 제가 잘 모르겠습니다만 저는 사용한 기억이 없습니다.

이태식 주미대사가 그때 정확히 뭐라고 말했는지 궁금해져서 찾아보았다.

일단 널럴하면 읽어보시고..

Originally Posted by 이태식 주미대사 녹취록

Words are not enough to express our most heartfelt sorrow and grief over this horrendous incident. What happened should not have happened. And to our great dismay this happened.

What we can do at this moment is to extend our most heartfelt condolences to the victims and bereaved families and to the nation as a whole that we are in anguish, that we are agonizing, and we are engulfed in deep sorrow and grief.

At this stage, our Korean-American community here in Washington and Northern Virginia area, we better humble ourselves to face the reality and that is that this horrendous incident was committed by one of our ethnic members.(아니.. 이 아저씨가??? 인종차별주의자이신가?? -_-;)

Perhaps, we have to repent ourselves deeply so that we could advance ourselves to the local community, to share with their deepest sorrow and grief. Perhaps, we will have to repent more in serious manner so that we could extend our hands to feel their sorrow, and to acknowledge their deep agony. This is what we are doing at the moment.

And as ambassador, representing my country and all of you, I join you in this moment of sorrow to extend my country's as well as my people's regret, apology.(apology는 사죄가 있는것 맞는거 같은데 말입니다? representing my country and all of you라고도 하셨는데 말입니다... 게다가 as ambassador라고요...)

This is the moment that we will have to renew ourselves spiritually as well as in terms of what we are doing so that we could be accepted as a worthwhile ethnic community in the country. For that purpose, we are here, and I am very glad that all of you joined us this evening.

I was out of town to visit other cities in the country to explain out two countries' relationship to the local communities. This tour and trip was organized by KEI for U.S Ambassador to Korea, Ambassador Vershbow and myself.

Our two ambassadors went out to the local community which started from Chicago, Illinois, Portland, Denver, and Houston. And in Houston, I came to know about this horrible incident. I just cut short my trip and came back just now.

Again, at this time of sorrow, what we can do, we will have to lower ourselves, we will have to humble ourselves. And if I may from today, for those victims, we have 32 victims who were sacrificed. For these people, we will have to start our fast for 32 days.(그래 이건 뭐 그냥 종교인으로서 횡수 좀 한거라고 치고 넘어가자 -_-) That's what I would like to suggest at this moment, but again I join you in deep sorrow, and I ask you to lower yourself, and I ask you to be much more cooperative with our local community. God bless Korea, God bless America.

대한민국과 한국인을 대표해서 대사로서 사죄해버리고...

좀 지나놓고는 그래놓고는 안했다고.. 기억안난다고 하고..

참.. 잘 하는 짓이다... -_-;

-- updated

http://news.chosun.com/site/da...이태식 "'사과표현' 했다"… 인터뷰 '거짓말' 인정 사과[/url]
결국은 이렇게 될 것을 -_-... (뭐.. 여전히 ... 기억은 잘 안난다는 식으로 이야기는 하지만.... 치매증상이 있으면 국가 주요 업무를 맡기면 안되는게 아닌가 하는 생각이... ㅋㅋ)